This week I was invited to speak to global young leaders at the palatial Villa La Pietra in Florence, Italy. Not only did I meet the policymakers of Italy, but also those from Brazil, Russia, Israel, Greece, and others. The meetings came from the initiative of the Eunomia Foundation and the cadre working for the mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi. While I was there, the mayor was nominated to lead the Christian Democrats in Rome so he now has a shot at becoming the next Prime Minister of Italy. At the tender young age of 38, his charismatic style has fired up the imaginations of many Italians, but because the opposition within his own party became violent with jealousy, he was unable to return to Florence soon afterward. Instead, a press conference was held for me instead to communicate the possibilities of a brighter future. These meetings I hope will be a harbinger for better times to come to Italy. Below are a sampling of the press coverage I received while I was there: