The Silver Lining in China’s Slowdown

Is the Chinese economy faltering?  What is going on over there?  I provide some insights into the rebalancing act happening in China in my latest Forbes post:

Why China’s High Investment Levels Won’t Hurt Them

I wrote a piece for Forbes explaining that contrary to what many analysts say, the enormous investments in infrastructure in China will be good for the economy and also visionary on the part of China’s leadership:...

China Blowing Up?

Economist Paul Krugman probably ranks among the biggest China bashers among well-known economists.  His latest article continues to fuel the usual misperceptions about China. ...

The Book

Welcome to the official website of the book, What the U.S. Can Learn from China.  You can navigate through the site using the menu above to find out when Ann Lee’s next speaking engagements will take place, what she has to say about various issues in the media,...