by Ann Lee | Jun 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
The media has been touting cyber security as the top agenda item at the upcoming meeting between Xi Jinping and President Obama. But if the official line is that, then one has to really wonder what the real agenda items are because we all know that the U.S....
by Ann Lee | May 7, 2013 | Uncategorized
Many thanks to the judges who selected me to be the GOLD winner of the 2013 awards that were officially announced on May 7, 2013: I am very honored and hope to attend the celebration on May 29th. I was...
by Ann Lee | Feb 8, 2013 | Uncategorized
Winter Storm Nemo had me bemoaning when I received an email from American Airlines informing me that my flight was canceled and that they were unsuccessful in re-booking on another flight me. I was hoping to celebrate Chinese New Year’s with my family, but as...
by Ann Lee | Jan 25, 2013 | Asia, Asian Americans, censoring, China, china basher, Chinese companies, consumption, Culture, diplomacy, economic reforms, Economy, finance, foreign exchange, foreign policy, foreign reserves, gdp, globalization, Government, innovation, jobs, journalism, labor standards, Latin America, Leadership, lobbying, marketing, media, Policy, Politics, social media, soft power, tariffs, taxes, Trade, trade war
I am honored to be asked to be a contributor to a new electronic newspaper hosted in the UK and partnered with the the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London and other academic institutions. My first piece appears here:...
by Ann Lee | Jan 19, 2013 | Uncategorized
Thanks to Google Alerts, I woke up to this notification of what the Chinese have to say about my book. Sadly, it’s not the most flattering picture of me at the press conference..